WinRT Contact Picker

March 24, 2014

One of the best features of Windows 8 is that it allows you to store all your contacts in one place. This means you can link your e-mail, Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ contacts in a single list. If you want to access this programatically, it’s surprisingly simple.

The first thing to do is to create a contact picker

[sourcecode language=“javascript”] // Create the picker var picker = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPicker(); picker.commitButtonText = “Select” ;

The commitButtonText allows you to say what the dialog's OK button will say.  The next function is called to make the contact selection.  In Windows 8 this was pickMultipleContactsAsync (there was also a pickSingleContactAsync), but both are deprecated for 8.1, and you should use the following:

[sourcecode language="javascript"]
     // Open the picker for the user to select contacts


[sourcecode language=“javascript”] // Open the picker for the user to select a contact picker.pickContactAsync();

This needs to be inside a promise, to ensure that the app doesn't become unresponsive while you select contacts:

[sourcecode language="javascript"]
    function pickContacts() {

         // Create the picker
        var picker = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPicker();
        picker.commitButtonText = "Select";

        var emailsPromise = new WinJS.Promise( function (complete, error, progress) {

            // Open the picker for the user to select contacts
            picker.pickContactsAsync().then( function (contacts) {
                if (contacts.length > 0) {
                    // Iterate through the contacts collection and do something
                    complete(); // Call complete to exit the promise
                } else {
                    complete(); // Call complete to exit the promise

        return emailsPromise;

This works, with one slight caveat - it gives you every single contact. But say you just want the e-mail address? The following will return only the contacts for which you have an e-mail address:

[sourcecode language=“javascript”] picker.desiredFieldsWithContactFieldType.append(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactFieldType.Email);

(Note, this replaces the deprecated desiredFields property in Windows 8.0)

So, the final cut looks like this:

[sourcecode language="javascript"]
    function pickContacts() {

         // Create the picker
        var picker = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPicker();
        picker.commitButtonText = "Select";

        var emailsPromise = new WinJS.Promise( function (complete, error, progress) {

            // Open the picker for the user to select contacts
            picker.pickContactsAsync().then( function (contacts) {
                if (contacts.length > 0) {
                    // Iterate through the contacts collection and do something
                    complete(); // Call complete to exit the promise
                } else {
                    complete(); // Call complete to exit the promise

        return emailsPromise;

So, what does this look like in C#? IMHO, it looks a lot neater:

             // Create the picker
            Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts. ContactPicker picker = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPicker ();
            picker.CommitButtonText = "Select";
               Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts. ContactFieldType .Email);

            // Open the picker for the user to select contacts
            var contacts = await picker.PickContactsAsync();
            if (contacts.Count() > 0)

Final Note

It’s also worth noting that when you get the contacts, the e-mail addresses for each are a collection (each contact can have many); so you’ll need to do something like this:

[sourcecode language=“javascript”] contacts.forEach( function (contact) { contact.emails.every( function (email) { output += email.address + ”,” ; }); });


``` csharp

foreach( var em in c.Emails)
    System.Diagnostics. Debug.WriteLine( "{0} email {1}" , c.Name, em.Address);

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A blog about one man's journey through code… and some pictures of the Peak District

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