MVVM Cross Basics - Passing Complex Parameters During Navigation

July 13, 2014

Having covered basic navigation, I found that I needed to pass my game state from view-model to view-model. I initially thought that I could simply do this as follows:

    private void CallVM2()
        MyObj newObj = new MyObj();
        IMyService myService = new MyService();

		Dictionary p = new Dictionary()
            {"MyObj", newObj},
            {"MyService", myService}

The code for ViewModel2:

    public void Init(Dictionary p)

Anyway, it turns out you can’t. Init does get fired, but if you pass anything more complex than a string, it just bins the parameter.

The answer appears to be to create a class and to serialise it using JSON.NET:

After implementing this suggestion, I ended up with something like this:

    public abstract class BaseViewModel : MvxViewModel
        private const string ParameterName = "parameter";

        public BaseViewModel()

        protected void ShowViewModel(object parameter) where TViewModel : IMvxViewModel
            var text = Mvx.Resolve().SerializeObject(parameter);

        public void Init(string parameter)
            if (parameter == null || parameter.Length == 0) return;

            IMvxJsonConverter converter = Mvx.Resolve();
            NavigationParameter deserialized = converter.DeserializeObject(parameter);

If you don’t register the converter in the IoC container (as I initially didn’t), then you’ll get this error:

A first chance exception of type ‘Cirrious.CrossCore.Exceptions.MvxIoCResolveException’ occurred in Cirrious.CrossCore.DLL

Additional information: Failed to resolve type Cirrious.CrossCore.Platform.IMvxJsonConverter

The fix:

    public abstract class BaseViewModel : MvxViewModel
        private const string ParameterName = "parameter";

        public BaseViewModel()

Now, if you override the `RealInit` method, you’ll see that the parameters are, indeed, available. However, I had a further problem; this time being with JSON.NET. As you can see from the above structure, it’s a dictionary of objects. So, when running this, it will certainly pass through the object, but it’ll just be the serialised string.


I’m pretty sure that I could get around this using a combination of generics and a custom Javascript serialisation library, but I’ve got a game to write, so I’m going to stick with declaring the Navigation parameter as follows:

   public class NavigationParameter
        public MyObject ObjectParameter { get; set; }
        public MyService ServiceParameter { get; set; } 

It’s worth bearing in mind that you can’t use interfaces either in the parameters; JSON.NET needs a concrete class.

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