MVVM Cross - Stubbing out IMvxMainThreadDispatcher with RhinoMocks

March 14, 2015

This article describes how to stub out the IMvxMainThreadDispatcher, used by MVVM Cross, using Rhino Mocks.

Here is an excellent article on unit testing in MVVM Cross.

In it, Stuart Lodge describes a manual mock to replace the `IMvxMainThreadDispatcher`. I’ve recently started using RhinoMocks again, and the following is basically the manual mock described in the above article, in RhinoMocks:

var mainThreadDispatcher = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMvxMainThreadDispatcher>();
mainThreadDispatcher.Stub(x => x.RequestMainThreadAction(Arg<Action>.Is.Anything)).WhenCalled(a => ((Action)a.Arguments.First())()).Return(true);

As with many of my posts, this is predominantly for my own use; and, as with those other posts, I hope you’ll find this useful.

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