The following error:
Exception thrown: ‘System.MissingMethodException’ in CreateTestCase.exe
Additional information: Method not found: ‘Void Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore..ctor(Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollection)‘.
Occurred for me while trying to execute the following code:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetAllDistinctWorkItemTags(string uri, string projectName)
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs;
tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(uri)); //
var wis = new WorkItemStore(tfs);
WorkItemCollection workItemCollection = wis.Query(
" SELECT [System.Tags]" +
" FROM WorkItems " +
$" WHERE [System.TeamProject] = '{projectName}' ");
Bizarrely, I was following my own blog post to create a test case, reading tags from the system.
This threw me for some time. I had a good idea it was caused by the wrong version of the Work Item Tracking extension library.
After a bit of searching, I came to the conclusion that MS don’t really support this method of integrating with TFS anymore; at least not for later versions. Consequently, I went to Nuget:
Installing this magically sorted the issue for me.