Adding a New Screen to the React Template Project

March 25, 2018

In this post I started looking into ReactJS. Following getting the sample project running, I decided that I’ve try adding a new screen. Since it didn’t go as smoothly as I expected, I’ve documented my adventures.

The target of this post is to create a new screen, using the sample project inside Visual Studio.

Step 1

Create a brand new project for React:

reactjs newscreen 1

If you run this out of the box (if you can’t because of missing packages then see this article), you’ll get a screen that looks like this:

reactjs newscreen 2

Step 2

Add a new tsx file to the components:

reactjs newscreen 3

Here’s some code to add into this new file:

import \* as React from 'react';
import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router';
export class NewScreen extends React.Component<RouteComponentProps<{}>, {}> {
    public render() {
        return <div>
            <h1>New Screen Test</h1>

The Javascript as HTML above is one of the things that makes ReactJS an appealing framework. Combine that with Typescript, and you get a very XAML feel to the whole web application.

Step 3

Add a link to the Navigation Screen (NavMenu.tsx):

[code lang=“html”] <div className=‘navbar-collapse collapse’>     <ul className=‘nav navbar-nav’>         

  •             <NavLink to={ ’/’ } exact activeClassName=‘active’>                 <span className=‘glyphicon glyphicon-home’> Home                      
  •             <NavLink to={ ‘/counter’ } activeClassName=‘active’>                 <span className=‘glyphicon glyphicon-education’> Counter                      
  •             <NavLink to={ ‘/fetchdata’ } activeClassName=‘active’>                 <span className=‘glyphicon glyphicon-th-list’> Fetch data                      
  •             <NavLink to={‘/newscreen’} activeClassName=‘active’>                 <span className=‘glyphicon glyphicon-th-list’> New screen                      

    If you run this now, you'll see the navigation entry, but clicking on it will give you a blank screen.  It is just that scenario that motivated this post!
    # Step 4
    Finally, the routes.tsx file needs updating so that it knows which screen to load when:
    ``` js
    import \* as React from 'react';
    import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
    import { Layout } from './components/Layout';
    import { Home } from './components/Home';
    import { FetchData } from './components/FetchData';
    import { Counter } from './components/Counter';
    import { NewScreen } from './components/NewScreen';
    export const routes = <Layout>
        <Route exact path='/' component={ Home } />
        <Route path='/counter' component={ Counter } />
        <Route path='/fetchdata' component={FetchData} />
        <Route path='/newscreen' component={NewScreen} />

    reactjs newscreen 4

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    A blog about one man's journey through code… and some pictures of the Peak District