Asp.Net Core Routing and Debugging

October 03, 2020

I recently came across an issue whereby an Asp.Net Core app was not behaving in the way I expected. In this particular case, I was getting strange errors, and began to suspect that the controller that I thought was reacting to my call, in fact, was not, and that the routing was to blame.

Having had a look around the internet, I came across some incredibly useful videos by Ryan Novak. One of the videos is linked at the end of this article, and I would encourage anyone working in web development using Microsoft technologies to watch it.

The particularly useful thing that I found in this was that, In Asp.Net Core 3.x and onwards, there is a clearly defined “Routing Zone” (Ryan’s terms - not mine). It falls here:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

    // Routing Zone


    // End

    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>}

This means that middleware and services that make use of routing should sit in this zone, but also that you can intercept the routing. For example:


    // Routing Zone

    app.Use(next => context =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Found: {context.GetEndpoint()?.DisplayName}");
        return next(context);


    // End

    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

This little nugget will tell you which endpoint you’ve been directed to. There’s actually quite a lot more you can do here, too. Once you’ve got the endpoint, it has a wealth of information about the attributes, filters, and all sorts of information that makes working out why your app isn’t going where you expect much easier.


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