Creating a C# Client, and Listing, and Adding Data in MongoDB

May 22, 2021

In this previous post I wrote about how you can install MongoDB, and use the built in clients to interrogate the data. In this post I’ll cover setting up a simple C# client to interrogate the database.

Bring in a NuGet Package

As with many integrations in the last 10 years, 90% of the job is installing the right NuGet package:

Install-Package MongoDB.Driver

Once that’s installed, you should have access to the SDK. You’ll need the following using statement:

using MongoDB.Driver;

Connecting to the MonoDB Instance

It actually took me a while to work out the correct format here; for the default instance, you can simply use this for the connection string:


So to connect to the DB, you would use this:

MongoClient dbClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var db = dbClient.GetDatabase("testdb");

See the referenced previous post if you’re interested where testdb came from.


As we saw in the previous post, Mongo works around the concept of collections - it’s roughly analogous to a table. The list the collections:

MongoClient dbClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var db = dbClient.GetDatabase("testdb");

var collections = await db.ListCollectionsAsync();
foreach (var col in collections.ToList())

Let’s see what inserting data would look like.

Inserting Data

In fact, inserting data is very straightforward. We need to introduce a new type here, called a BsonDocument. BSON is a Binary JSON document, and to all intents and purposes, it’s JSON; this means that you can create a document such as this:

            var document = new BsonDocument()
                { "test", "test1" },
                { "test2", "test2" },
                { "test3", "test3" }

Or, indeed, any valid JSON document.

To insert this into the DB, you would just call InsertOne:

            var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("testcollection");
            await collection.InsertOneAsync(document);

You can insert many records by calling InsertMany:

            var documents = new List<BsonDocument>()
                new BsonDocument()
                    { "test", "test1" },
                    { "test2", "test2" },
                    { "test3", "test3" }
                new BsonDocument()
                    { "Date", DateTime.Now },
                    { "test2", 12 },
                    { "test3", "hello" }

            var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("testcollection");
            await collection.InsertManyAsync(documents);


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A blog about one man's journey through code… and some pictures of the Peak District

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