I’ve been playing around with delegates recently, and came across something that was new to me. Whilst I was familiar with the concept of assigning a delegate; for example:
delegate void delegate1();
private static void UseDelegate()
delegate1 mydelegate;
mydelegate = func1;
static void func1() =>
I hadn’t realised that it was possible to create a composed delegate, that is, you can simply do the following:
delegate void myDelegate();
private static void ComposableDelegate()
myDelegate del1 = M1;
myDelegate del2 = M2;
myDelegate composedDel = del1 + del2;
private static void M1() => Console.WriteLine("M1");
private static void M2() => Console.WriteLine("M2");
You can do the exact same thing with Action or Func delegates; for example:
Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("M1");
Action action2 = () => Console.WriteLine("M2");
Action composedDel = action + action2;