This describes a method of persisting data in Unity. For example, saving and loading the current game level.
The first thing that you will need is to create a helper class to read and write the data that you need:
public static void SaveGameState()
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
var el = xml.CreateElement("PlayerStatus");
el.SetAttribute("CurrentLevel", Application.loadedLevel.ToString());
public static void LoadGameState()
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
var el = xml.GetElementsByTagName("PlayerStatus")[0];
string currentLevel = el.Attributes["CurrentLevel"].Value;
int loadLevel = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLevel))
loadLevel = int.Parse(currentLevel);
if (Application.loadedLevel != loadLevel)
The next stage is to plug this into Unity. I put the following in a Master Script (which is essentially just a script associated with an empty game object).
void OnApplicationQuit()
void Start()
I’ve seen plenty of articles on using serialisation for this, and that would obviously have the same effect, but this is another option.