Using Swagger in an Asp.Net App

December 04, 2022

One of the interesting challenges with Asp.Net MVC when you first start out, is getting the routing right. In this article, we’ll cover a technique to debug the routing of endpoints in your project.


Swagger is a tool that basically discovers and displays the endpoints of your API. You may be familiar with using this with a Web API, but you can just as easily add it to an Asp.Net app.

If you’d prefer, you can simply follow the Microsoft documentation.

Install the package

You’ll need to start by installing the Swagger NuGet Package:

Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore


Once that’s installed, Add the following code to your Program.cs (or Startup.cs if you’re prior to .Net 6):


// Add Swagger

You’ll also need to call the Use methods further down. This is restricted to debugging only (clearly providing a map of internal endpoints within your application has a potential security issue):

if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())


Now, when you run your app, you can simply navigate to:


And you should see a map of the endpoints - you’ll even be able to call them via the UI.

It’s worth noting that you’ll only see endpoints that have an explicit path specified; for example, you won’t see:

public async Task<IActionResult> Lookup(MyViewModel myViewModel)

But you will see:

public async Task<IActionResult> Lookup(MyViewModel myViewModel)

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